Member for Bathurst Paul Toole is urging residents in the Kandos and Rylstone districts to get their COVID-19 vaccination.
Mr Toole said the NSW Local Health District is partnering with the Australian Defence Force and will be standing up a Pop-Up COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic in Rylstone, on Saturday 4th from 10am to 4pm and Sunday 5th September from 9am to 3pm. It will then move to Kandos on Monday, 6th September.
“Getting vaccinated forms the NSW Government’s roadmap for our path to freedom and is our biggest incentive yet to return to a level of normality,” Mr Toole said.
“Two doses of the vaccine not only helps protect people from hospitalisation and death, but also helps reduce transmission. It also leads to around a 90 per cent overall reduction in transmission of the virus.”
Eligibility for vaccines at this clinic will be as follows:
o Pfizer, for people aged:
§ 12 years and over - who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or have a significant underlying medical condition or disability.
§ 16 - 59 years from the general population.
o AstraZeneca, for people aged 60 & over from the general population. (Exemptions for those wanting alternate vaccine will not be available at this walk-in clinic, they will need to make an appointment with a suitable provider.
· Those attending will need to bring a form of identification and where able, their Medicare card.
· The queue may be long, so we encourage people to come prepared with food, drink, a hat and sunscreen.
· Second dose clinics will be scheduled.
People must not attend the clinic if they:
· Are waiting on a COVID-19 test result.
· Are a CONFIRMED close contact of a CONFIRMED positive COVID-19 case.
· Are unwell. Anyone with COVID symptoms should get tested & isolate until they receive a negative test result.
· Have had ANY other vaccination (including flu) in the previous seven days.