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  • Writer's pictureThe Hon. Paul Toole MP


Oberon RSL is benefiting from $181,000 grant from the NSW Government’s ClubGrants program to upgrade the much-loved community meeting place.

The upgrades at the Oberon RSL include refurbished bathroom facilities and the installation of a backup generator. These upgrades will ensure the club, which is a designated Emergency Evacuation Centre, is disaster ready should it be required.

Recent bushfire events in the area have highlighted a strong need for a safe well-equipped and easily accessible space. As an Emergency Evacuation Centre, the club must be ready to cater for any influx of evacuees with special needs.

Member for Bathurst Paul Toole MP visited the club to give them the good news.

“The upgrades to the Oberon RSL will revitalise the club to meet the communities evolving needs,” Mr Toole said.

“I know how important clubs like the RSL are to communities such as Oberon which is why I have secured these funds for this project.”

RSL representative Kathy Sajowitz said the grant will be put to good use.

“These are much needed upgrades that will make the RSL fit for use in an emergency situation,” Mrs Sajowitz said.

“The amenities will be a big improvement to the existing facilities.”

The newly announced upgrades will complement the already secured upgrades the squash courts located within the RSL. Oberon Squash Club was successful in receiving a Community Building Partnership of $30,000 to fund the upgrades to the well worn but much loved courts.

ClubGRANTS is one of Australia’s largest grant programs, providing more than $100 million in cash each year to a variety of worthy causes across NSW.

Charities, sporting organisations and not-for-profit community groups are among tens-of-thousands of worthy causes funded through the program each year.

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