Oberon’s nostalgic Malachi Hall has been returned to its former glory thanks to a major renovation rescue by owners Lucy and Johnny East and backed by funding from the NSW Government and Heritage NSW.

Member for Bathurst Paul Toole has been a key player in garnering government support for the Heritage-listed venue in the heart of the Oberon Street CBD.
And the good news is that more work is set to be undertaken on the building with the focus now turning to giving the exterior a new coat of paint, effectively giving it a completely different look.
Mr Toole said the NSWS Government is continuing its support of Malachi Hall’s transformation through its Caring for State Heritage Grants program and a grant of $60,000.
“At present Malachi Hall has a light pink and faded cream exterior which has clearly seen better days,” he said.
“The plan is for a new coat of paint, but this time it’s going to be a sage-green colour which is close to the building’s original colour scheme.”
Malachi Hall, an art deco theatre design, was constructed in 1937 with funding from the Oberon Catholic Church.
Restoration works undertaken include structural and decorate repairs to interiors, installation of new state of the art sound and lighting systems and fitting out the auditorium with art exhibition and production capabilities.