A weeds blitz is set to target a Crown Land Reserve that sits in the middle of the Mount Panorama motor racing circuit.
Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said NSW Government’s Crown Lands Improvement Fund would fund the work with a grant to Bathurst Regional Council of $65,670.
Mr Toole joined Mayor Robert Taylor at the iconic circuit to make the announcement.
“Mount Panorama is the jewel in the crown of Australian motorsport and ensuring it is kept in the best possible condition is vital,” he said.
“This project specifically targets a reserve in the middle of the track that is home to critically endangered box gum grassy woodland.
“The weeds blitz will target species such as blackberry, serrated tussock, blue heliotrope and woody weeds such as the hawthorn bush.

“Work is expected to start next month on the best way to attack this project, but the actual spraying won’t commence until the onset of spring later in the year.”
Mr Toole said the work would really tidy up this area of land.
“It will also improve conditions for the native habit that lives in that woodland area,” he said.