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  • Writer's pictureThe Hon. Paul Toole MP


A Bathurst sporting club with a rich history dating back more than 150 years has been able to make improvements to its facilities thanks to a grant from the NSW Government.

The Bathurst Rifle Club is located on the western side of Mount Panorama and caters for long range target shooting on most Saturdays from 1pm.

Member for Bathurst Paul Toole met with club captain Graham Bright and representative big bore shooter Geoff Willis to see first-hand the upgrades.

“The Bathurst Rifle Club received a NSW Government Sports Grant for $5500 which was used to upgrade the surface of the six shooting mounds at its range,” Mr Toole said.

“The rifle club is just one form of shooting discipline located in that Mount Panorama precinct. Others include pistol shooting, sporting shooting and clay target shooting.”

Mr Toole said the grants provide essential funds to assist local sporting organisations increase participation, purchase equipment and improve facilities.

“Sport is a way of life in our community and the Local Sport Grant Program is another excellent example of the NSW Government delivering for the people of the Bathurst region,” he said.

“These grants provide vital funds to our local clubs which in turn contributes to improved social, health and cultural outcomes for the wider community.”

Mr Toole said the grants provide a welcome lift to communities as NSW emerges from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“They are important for the local sporting community, in particular the army of volunteers who donate their time week in, week out to ensure local sport and recreation activities are available.”

The Program awards sporting organisations up to $20,000 for projects which focus on sport development, sport access, sports events and facility development.


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