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  • Writer's pictureThe Hon. Paul Toole MP


A sod turning ceremony at the greenfield site of the new Blayney Rural Fire Service Station has marked the start of the construction phase of the $850,000 facility.

Deputy Premier and Member for Bathurst Paul Toole was joined by NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott for the event on vacant block opposite the local showground at 41 Marshalls Lane.

With the land for the development donated by Blayney Shire Council, Mr Toole said the funding from the NSW Government had been allocated to provide the Blayney Rural Fire Brigade members with a purpose-built facility.

“This new station will provide local firefighters with state-of-the-art technology and facilities they have previously gone without, allowing them to meet, train and maintain their equipment,” he said.

“The new building will incorporate new amenities, change rooms, training rooms, kitchen and meeting room.”

Mr Elliott said construction of the new station will be completed in 2022, in time for next year’s fire season.

“The Blayney RFS currently has 41 members and is well established in the community,” he said.

“Its members attend and assist with motor vehicle accidents, grass fires, as well as being called to incidents to help other emergency services.”


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