An old pub in the heart of Lithgow has been transformed into a new accommodation hub to support people experiencing homelessness.
Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said the former Grand Central Hotel site will provide a much-needed boost to emergency accommodation options in the community.
“We are working hard to help people break the cycle of homelessness, and temporary accommodation is an important part of the services available,” Mr Toole said.
“The new hub will help people get back on their feet by connecting them to the supports they need as they work towards securing housing.”
The NSW Government has partnered with Providential Homes to deliver the new accommodation, which includes eight rooms for individuals and families.

Providential Homes will run the service and will link clients to support services.
The new initiative builds on the NSW Government’s work to prevent and respond to homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Our Government is committed to halving street sleeping by 2025 and this new facility in Lithgow is another step in the right direction,” Mr Toole said.
“Our focus is to work hard with people in temporary accommodation to transition them into secure housing, where they can receive the services and support to break the cycle of disadvantage.”
According to Providential Homes state manager Leonie Sanderson the first floor of the former hotel has been converted with eight rooms now operational, with another 11 from the second floor currently being renovated.
“Providential specialises in transitional and emergency housing, but this is the first time we’ve tackled an old pub,” she said. “With the chance to have other support services located here, in essence this will become a one-stop shop.
“The project has provided local jobs for tradies and ongoing benefits for services such as linen and cleaners.”
Anyone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness can call Link2home on 1800 152 152. Staff are available 24-7 to provide information, assessments and referrals to homelessness services and support.