A new service is being offered at the Central West Women’s Health Centre at Kelso.
It has started a women’s only GP clinic to be run every Friday thanks to NSW Government funding of $50,000.
Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said the support for the CWWHC means they can purchase ultra-modern technology systems and equipment to establish this Women’s Health and Wellbeing Clinic.

“The project will modernise and improve CWWHC operations including IT capabilities comprising patient management and other medical technology-related equipment,” he said.
“This means the health centre can provide affordable access to a female GP and women's health nurse in a modern, operationally efficient, and compliant clinic.”
According to Karen Boyde, manager of the CWWHC, the centre has been operational for 35 years.
“Recently, we relocated to fresh new premises at 61 Boyd Street at Kelso, providing counselling, child and adolescent trauma counselling, health promotion and education workshops,” she said.
“We are pleased to announce that Dr Rachel Jack will join our team each Friday morning to offer women’s health appointments to eligible clients.
“Importantly, health outcomes for women will improve and the centre will remain efficient, effective and viable.”